Poverty is crippling vast parts of our world, leading to despair, illnesses, social injustices, human trafficking and more. What is Poverty? Poverty is hunger, lack of shelter, being sick and not being able to see a doctor. It is not knowing how to read, not having a job and it is fear for the future. It is not having representation or freedom and a real absence of hope.
Almost half the world — over 3 billion people — live on less than $2.50 day. (Source: World Bank Development Indicators).
The poorest 40% of the world’s population accounts for 5% of global income. (Source: United Nations Development Program).
Nearly 1 billion people entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their names. (Source: The State of the World’s Children, UNICEF).
Approximately 1.1 billion people in developing countries have inadequate access to water and 2.6 billion lack basic sanitation. (Source: United Nations Development Program).

One of the greatest needs in the developing world is to empower people to move out of poverty and cultivate their God-given gifts and talents. Their needs are far greater than we can imagine, but there is a solution that provides hope, effects real change and is tried and proven: Mission Through Business. Utilizing this model, MMW creates jobs, provides health care and opportunities for basic human necessities. Most importantly, we create a cycle of sustainability.
MMW’s calling is to enable and equip Marketplace Missionaries. Here in Haviland, Kansas we are striving every day to spread God’s message in a more welcoming atmosphere in hopes of training missionaries here to go out and make a difference.
We are a mission-through-business partnership between MMW and Barclay College.
We provide a real-world laboratory environment for students to experience mission through business.
Student employees learn principles and praxis for Marketplace Missionary service abroad.
Students participate in an overseas study experience with the Juniors Global program through Barclay College.

We are engaging and serving our community, where it does the best. This past year the coffeehouse has had the privilege of supporting many of the local events through advertising and gifts, as well as The Run for Missions.
The coffeehouse sponsors many local events, from movies at the local theatre to hosting a music night in the coffeehouse for local musicians.
When the coffeehouse reaches profitability, all proceeds will go to the Juniors Global Program for students to do a summer missions abroad project.
This year teams are heading to Kenya, Belize, Greece, and Ireland.
The college is raising funds for the Ross-Ellis Fine Arts Building.

Established as a joint venture with MMW, now wholly operated as a part of the Barclay College Missions and Business degree programs.